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About Our Tutus

Looking for graceful blue tutus? We have loads! Expertly made and professional ballerina quality. Check out our Cinderella tutus today!

Are you performing a ballet role in The Nutcracker? Peruse our unique Nutcracker costumes. Whether you are a Sugar Plum Fairy or showcasing a Chinese Tea dance. We have a nutcracker costume for you.

We have so many styles of black tutu for Odile and white tutus for Odette. So if you are either a dying swan or a beautiful white swan, we have a huge selection of made to measure ballet costumes for your Swan Lake performance..

Our Tutus


We understand that buying a professional ballet tutu is an expensive business and that you want the most beautiful costume you can find at the best price.

Here at Twirling Ballerinas we have 100s to choose from, all beautifully made to a high standard.

We are constantly sourcing more designs, so please check back every now and then. We have specialised tutu makers who deliver the most amazing professional tutus.

Our service is very convenient, simply measure, order and your tutu will be delivery in a few weeks. No need to go back and forth getting fitting and agonising over designs, everything is done you and a fabulous ballet tutu will arrive!

The features you will find in our tutus are as follows..

2 rows of hook and eyes on the 2-4cm of leeway or growth for childrens tutus.

10-12 layers of stiff tulle to give pancake effect. Some tutus with heavier appliqué have a thin plastic hoop inserted.

Thick stretch pant with the inner securing having 3 sets of hooks and eyes for snug secure fit.

Adjustable straps, good quality with non slip coating no slipping off!

Thick stretch bodice in velvet or spandex, panelled for amazing sleek fit and made from superb quality material.

Drawstring at top of bodice and waist for perfect fit.

Many tutus have frill pant (you can request plain pant if required)

Beautiful applique and embroidery.

All our ballet tutus for sale can be made for children or adults, they work perfectly for both! And for children its great there is expand room built in, so your tutu will last a couple of seasons!

Please have a look at the pictures below to illustrate all the above points. You will notice the fantastic detailing and quality materials used


Size Chart

Size Chart
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